April 22, 2012

April Bike Ride #2: Bull City Burger

Today's bike ride was all about getting out of the house and eating dinner. The weather was gorgeous, Rob was at work (like he normally is on Saturday evenings) and there was nothing jumping out at me when I looked in our fridge. So I packed us up and pedaled 3.1 miles downtown to Bull City Burger.

Here we are, just arriving:

There is a wonderful back patio here that's very welcoming to cyclists. (That means there's room to park your bike along the buildings surrounding the patio.) I love this sign that directs people to the back patio if they didn't know it existed already. As you can see, I've photoshopped it so that it's personalized for us!

So I parked my bike and trailer in the back and didn't even bother locking it up because there were 20 Duke students and their parents on the back patio who were kind of enough to watch it for me. It must've been some kind of parents' weekend at Duke perhaps? Anyhow, I went inside to order, and as I was entering into the restaurant from the back patio, I saw a sign that said "Free Dirty Fries and Fountain Drink for anyone who rides their bicycle to Bull City Burger this weekend". I thought, "SWEET!! I love their fries and fountain drinks, and FREE is awesome!"

I ordered a Green Monster burger for myself and a Boo Burger with cheddar for Eliza. I asked about the free fries and drink and since it was obvious we'd ridden our bike here, the cashier went to notify the manager. He came back and said, "Oh, that's only on Earth Day, which is tomorrow." Oops, I must've been too excited reading the FREE announcement that I failed to see that it DID NOT say "this weekend", but specifically "Earth Day", which is on Sunday, April 22! I apologized for reading it wrong, but the manager was so nice, he decided to honor it for us anyway! Woo hoo Bull City Burger! You guys are awesome!

So our food was wonderful, as always. I love how Bull City Burger is a "farm-to-fork" kind of restaurant. They buy only local, pasture-raised beef and they grind it fresh in the kitchen daily. That means you can have your burger cooked medium-rare if you choose! I like mine medium, and I got Eliza's done medium-well, not because I'm afraid she'll get sick, but because I don't think she'd like the consistency of a little bit of pink in her burger. Maybe when she's older!

The dirty fries were delish, and so was the black cherry Boylan soda I had. Eliza LOVED her juice box that came with her Boo Burger (and the kids meal does come with some dirty fries, too, so it's totally worth the price). LOVED her juice box, as you can see:

Before leaving, I had a nice couple sitting next to us take our picture. Here's a happy cycling Mommy and a full-tummy-sorta-sleepy baby:
If you've never been to Bull City Burger, I urge you to go and check it out. Like now. Like tonight. Go, I tell you, GO! :)

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