April 21, 2012

April Hike - H.O.S.T. in Hillsborough

Day/Time: Friday, April 20th - 11:15am

Trail: Historic Occoneechee Speedway Trail

Distance from home: 16 miles

Location and/or Map: Click Here for Google Map

Weather: 68 degrees

Hiking Friends: Myself, Eliza, and fellow Triangle Mommies friend of mine and her 2 youngest children

As many of you know, I am an active member of a local, online Mom's group called Triangle Mommies. I joined when I was pregnant with Eliza and I've been hooked since. I became an event planner for the K16 group first, then I became the Health & Wellness planner for my area group, too. And then I became a support group moderator. So I'm somewhat involved, you could say. So today's hike was the scheduled Health & Wellness event for the month of April.

I only had 1 Triangle Mommy RSVP, and it was my friend Nicole. I met Nicole at one of my very first K16 events in July of last year. We hit it off as friends right away and we've tried to catch up with each other for playdates at various places since then. She is Mommy to 3 children. Her youngest is Noah, and he's only 4 months older than Eliza. And then there's Aliyah, who is a super cute 3 year old, and her oldest is Hannah, but I rarely see her since she's in school most of the time.

So I met up with Nicole, Noah and Aliyah at the Historic Occoneechee Speedway Trail at around 11:00am. Noah is asleep in a backpack style baby carrier, and Aliyah is excited to hike. Nicole tells me that she's never been here before and I tell her she's in for a treat, as this area is a great place to hike with kids.

The trail begins just off the parking area. You can't miss it. Speaking of parking, the lot is very small and you may run into the problem of not having a place to park. However, I have no idea where you would park if that were the case!

I have hiked here many times before. It's a beautiful area with about 3 miles of trail available and more trail is planned for the future.

We hiked for about an hour and I took a handful of pictures.

That's all for the hiking in April. Maybe I'll have more hikes in May!

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