January 2, 2013

Happy New Year - it's 2013!

Happy New Year! We didn't do anything fancy or special to celebrate the New Year. We just had a normal day on December 31, put Eliza to bed at her normal time, and then sat down to have a movie night. Rob went to the store and got us Ben & Jerry's while I picked out the movie we'd watch via Amazon Video on Demand. We ended up watching a movie that I'd seen a few weeks before at the discount movie theater in Raleigh ($2 movies all the time!) - People Like Us, starring Elizabeth Banks, Chris Pine and Michelle Pfeiffer. I'd told Rob all about it and I knew he'd like it. And he did! He was crying at the end of the movie, and he did his usual "what, me?" look and said, "I think there's some allergen floating around the air, it's really making my eyes water up!" Ha ha ha, yeah right! :)

On New Year's Day, Rob worked and Eliza and I just stayed home and played with toys, colored in coloring books and played with stickers. These are her favorite right now! Here's a picture of her putting a sticker in her book. I have to help show her where the sticker goes, and help guide her hand to put it on somewhat straight and lined up...but sometimes I just let her stick the stickers wherever she wants to!

And here she is coloring in her Sesame Street giant coloring book.

I really love coloring with her. I lay on the floor next to her and color. Eliza is learning the names to all the colors now, and she knows about half of her colors. Sometimes she'll pick up a yellow crayon and say "GREEN", and I'll correct her, saying "Oh, that's YELLOW sweetie" and then she repeats after me, YELLOW... it's cute.

One last picture for today - this is Eliza reading one of our bedtime books to Gunnie tonight. When we were done reading it, she got off the couch, climbed up onto the recliner where Gunnie was snuggled up, and started flipping through the pages "reading" it to her! How sweet!

Happy New Year!

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