December 30, 2012

Christmas at the Newton's

Christmas was quiet and small, and nice. We were able to visit Rob's side of the family from Dec 13-18 , which was awesome, but we couldn't stay any longer due to Rob needing to work during the last week before Christmas. Oh well, we may not like that working in the bicycle retail industry means working on Christmas Eve and the day after Christmas, but at least it's a job, and we're thankful for it.

We flew out to San Diego on Southwest Airlines on a smoking good deal we found online at the last minute. Flying from RDU to San Diego would've cost us more than $1000 round trip, but on a whim, we searched other airports within driving distance of us to see if they were cheaper. It turned out that we could fly round trip out of Washington D.C. to San Diego with 1 short layover (no plane change) for around $650, which was the magic number we were searching for! Rob's Mom was awesome to be able to fund our trip with her Christmas bonus! Because we sure couldn't afford the tickets...We didn't mind paying for the cost of gas in driving up to D.C., and we saved even more money by parking our car at Rob's cousin's house! This is one of the hardest things about living so far away from family - the cost of flying home to visit is extremely high. But, it was so exciting to be visiting family in San Diego during Christmastime. The cool thing was that we were able to make it out to Rob's Grandpa Leon's 90th birthday bash while we were there!

Here's a couple of pictures of our trip. I should've taken more, but I think it's hard to remember to take pictures when you're having so much fun!

The day before we left to go home, we were able to go to the Zoo! I was really excited to do that because I haven't been there yet - I've only gone to the Wild Animal Park before. Anyway, here's a bunch of pictures from our Zoo day trip:

Here's a really cute video from our last dinner at IHOP before we left early the next morning

When we got home after our long flight and long drive home, we started focusing on Christmas and getting our house decorated and presents wrapped. We were totally last minute in getting a Christmas tree this year. We got it on Christmas Eve! We usually get our trees by December 10 at the latest. Well, we waited a long time because we knew we could get it really cheap, and cheap is what we could afford. We got it at the State Farmers Market in Raleigh. A 7 foot tree that usually costs around $60 was only $15 - whoa! Here's a couple of Christmas pictures:

This is what Eliza's "big" Christmas present was from us - her 1st bike! It's a balance bike, similar to the Strider bikes that have been all the rage the past few years, but this is one is made for Performance and is much cheaper than Strider.

On Christmas Day, Eliza was so excited to wake up and walk into the living room where she saw the bike leaning up against a side table next to the tree. Here's a video of her getting her bike:

Overall, it was a great Christmas, and even though we couldn't be with family on Christmas Day, it was a nice day. I'll end this blog post with a few more pictures of Eliza and some gifts she got from Grandma Cheryl, Grandma Nana, Uncle Dan and Uncle Ricky. She also got some cool educational toys from Uncle Jim and Auntie JoJo, but I need to take some pictures of her playing with them!

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