January 30, 2012

January Bike #1

I'm by no means an expert when it comes to biking with kids, but I figured that it'd be best to start out introducing the idea of a bike trailer to Eliza slowly.

First step: get a bike helmet that fits! I waited and waited for the day when her head was big enough to fit an XS helmet, and when that day finally came, I ran straight to Performance Bicycles in Cary to choose her helmet. My husband is the store manager there, so we get awesome customer service. Aside from that, I mean it, really, it's a great store and you should shop there! (insert subliminal blog message here - you will not buy your kids bike at Target, you will not buy your kids bike at Target, you will not...) We got her a Little Nutty helmet. Safe, easy to adjust, cute and girly to boot!

Second step: get a bike trailer that is comfortable and works best with the type of riding you'll be doing. We are going with a Kidarooz trailer. Mainly because my husband's bike shop carries them and we can get a great deal on it! And Eliza seems to really like it.

This was the first night we put her in it. It was set up as a stroller in the shop, so I pushed her around for a few minutes. She seemed to love it, as you can see from the smile on her face.

Third step: Combine step 1 and 2 and go for a ride!

So here's my January Bike #1 recap:

Day/Time: Monday, January 30th - 6:15pm

Bike Trail/Route: the parking lot at Village Square Shopping Center

Distance from home: 20.2 miles

Location and/or Map: 653 Cary Towne Blvd. in Cary, NC

Weather: 51 degrees

Cycling Friends: Just me and Eliza

Since this was Eliza's first real bike ride in the trailer, I didn't want to go too far. Or fast. So I wore my street shoes and jeans. Next time I'll get my real cycling apparel on. Including my helmet. I know, I know, you're going to see that picture below and wonder, why isn't she wearing her helmet! Gosh, parents nowadays are so hypocritical! They put a helmet on their kid but not on themselves!... It's okay to think that. Because I think that all the time when I see parents out riding with their kids at Umstead or Lake Crabtree or on the ATT.

Anyway, we stuck to riding around the shopping center where Performance is. We stayed on the wide sidewalk. I felt bad riding past Ollie's because we activated their automatic door sensor!

One thing about this bike trailer - it's a double size trailer, which can fit 2 kids. So it's wider than a typical trailer. And it's so wide that you will not be able to fit this through a regular sized entry door. So if you want to store it in your bike basement, like we have, you'll have to collapse it down to the storage mode first. No biggie, it's easy.

Eliza only looks uncomfortable because we didn't adjust her right strap all the way up above her shoulders. We didn't because the warranty card was in the way! And since the trailer isn't officially ours yet, we couldn't take it off.

We made a short video of Eliza in the trailer as I ride it around the bike shop. I think it's cute how she's kicking her leg in excitement during the ride!

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